Lead CCA Listing

Below are the Lead CCAs who have met the 32 CFR Part 170.11(b)(10) validation requirements

  • 5+ years of cybersecurity experience; and
  • 5+ years of managerial experience; and
  • 3+ years of assessment or audit experience; and
  • Hold one (1) active Personnel Certification aligned to Advanced Proficiency Level of the DoD Cyberspace Workforce Framework's Security Control Assessor (612) Work Role, from DoD Manual 8140.03.

Lead CCA requirements validation does not warrant participation on a DoD CMMC Assessment Team. Lead CCAs must complete all other DoD CMMC Assessor and/or Assessment Team requirements prior to participating as a DoD CMMC Assessment Team Member. These requirements include, but are not limited to:

  • CCP/CCA Delta Training (DoD CMMC Title 32 Final Rule Update)
  • Complete a Tier 3 background investigation resulting in a determination of national security eligibility (32 CFR Part 170.11(b)(3)). (Note: This requirement is only for DoD CMMC Professional and Assessors that have not submitted for/or received a Tier 3 - National security eligibility determination). 

if you would like your email changed or removed, please email support@cyberab.org to make the request.

Lead CCA Name

Contact Information

Adonye Chamberlain adonye.chamberlain@cohnreznick.com
Alexander Imani alex.imani@dhg.com
Alexy Johnson alexy.johnson@yahoo.com
Allen Ureta aureta@deltamine.com
Amber Hunley ahunley@auditwerx.com
Amy Williams amy.williams@coalfirefederal.com
Andrew Deshong adeshong@atxdefense.com
Andrew Freund aafreund90@gmail.com
Andrew Taylor andrew@thenewit.com
Andy Sauer andy@sentinelblue.com
Aron Freitag aronfreitag@gmail.com
Ben Gerenstein gerenb@rimstorm.com
Bradley Taylor BTaylor@Foregenix.com
Brenda Paradis bparadis@monarchisc.com
Brett Cox brettcox@gmail.com
Brian Hubbard bhubbard@evolvedcyber.com
Brian Kirk brian.kirk89@gmail.com
Bridgitte Mase bmase@demase-tech.com
Carl Grant carl.h.grant@gmail.com
Carlos Lopez carlos.lugo@guardianshieldcyber.com
Carter Schoenberg c.schoenberg@soundwayconsulting.us
Chris Silvers cgsilvers@cgsilvers.com
Christopher Caruso christopher.caruso@gessosolutionsinternational.com
Christopher Hunsberger chrishuns@hotmail.com
Christopher Wolski chris@appsecconv.com
Clyde Harris clyde.harris110@gmail.com
Cole French cole.french@kratosdefense.com
Colin Bowers colin@RampartsSecurity.com
Connor Payne cpayne@sp6.io
Cortney Rose rose_cortney@bah.com
Daniel Ciarlette dan@ciabertech.com
Daniel Oestreich oestreichdl@pm.me
Darcy Corcoran darcydel@gmail.com
Daryouche Behboudi daryouche.behboudi@cohnreznick.com
David Africano david.africano@volarsecurity.com
David Cole 11dc@sysaudits.com
David Gray dave.gray@cmmcauditpros.com
David Long david.long@a1cybersecurityservices.com
Dean Rock dean.rock@steeltoad.com
Derek Kernus jdkernus@gmail.com
Derek Schumacher dschumacher23@gmail.com
Derrich Phillips dphillips@aspirecyber.com
Donald Stanley Carter don.carter@usfhppacmed.org
Donatus Owuama okechiowuama@yahoo.com
Dwayne Hodges drdwaynehodges@gmail.com
Eberechi Ugwu-Amole eberechi@captivasolutions.com
Emery Csulak ecsulak@bgs-llc.com
Erik Greathouse erik.greathouse@gmail.com
Erika Primmer erika.primmer@caskgov.com
Fabiola Navarro Fiallo fabiola7.navarro@gmail.com
Fernando Machado fernando.machado@cybersecinvestments.com
George Perezdiaz george@perezdiaz.com
German A Maranon hermanspda@gmail.com
Giovanny Garcia pat@kompleye.com
Glenda Snodgrass grs@theneteffect.com
Ian Frist ian.frist0907@gmail.com
Israel Briggs omegasred@gmail.com
Jace Wheeler jace.wheeler@cybersecinvestments.us
James Fisk jim.fisk@ecstech.com
James Harper james.harper@quatronics.com
Jared Lewis jared.t.lewis2@gmail.com
Jason Luke jasonaluke@gmail.com
Jason Puleri rsacco@mailfence.com
Jeff Baldwin baldwincissp@gmail.com
Jeffery Therrien contact@logantherrien.com
Jeffrey Crump jcrump@cybersecuritytrainingco.com
Jennifer Hawks jennifer.hawks@a-lign.com
Jennifer Roberts gege525@comcast.net
John Shamasko johnshamasko@gmail.com
John Bermingham jbermingham@cyberfox.us
John Fortson jfortson@referentia.com
John Reeder jreeder@governance-group.com
John Rogers john@monarchisc.com
John Sciandra jrs@consultant.works
Jon Bierer xenthius@gmail.com
Jon Pettyjohn jon.pettyjohn@gmail.com
Joseph Stoner jstoner@edwps.com
Jozef Kurlanski joe@monarchisc.com
Justin Weeks cmmc@jmweeks.com
K. Adam Glover akg1884@icloud.com
Katie Dodson katie.dodson@hivesystems.com
Katie Dodson katie.dodson@hivesystems.com
Keenan Rhines keenan.rhines@rhinescompany.com
Kevin Schaaff schaaff.kevin@gmail.com
Kevin Slonka kevinslonka@gmail.com
Koren Wise koren@wtinetworks.com
Kris Puthucode kris.p@sqcglobal.com
Kyle Lai klai@klcconsulting.net
Larry Chaffin larry.chaffin@yahoo.com
LaTara Allen latarayallen@gmail.com
Laura Raderman lraderman@elwing.org
Lawrence Eugene Blessing geneblessing@hotmail.com
Linda Rust Linda.Rust@SecuriThink.com
Logan Therrien contact@logantherrien.com
Manas Das manas.das@strategicit-solutions.com
Mark DeBry mdebry75@gmail.com
Mark Larson mark.w.larson@gmail.com
Mark Musone mmusone@mcssolutionsllc.com
Marlin Ness marlin.ness@ey.com
Matt Titcombe m.titcombe@peakinfosec.com
Matthew Hoeper mhoeper@edwps.com
Matthew Palguta mpalguta@alyeskacyber.com
Michael Baca mike.baca@augustschell.com
Michael Bramm mbramm@bomberjacket.net
Michael Dempsey michael.dempsey@ciseve.com
Michael Gallagher mike.gallagher@a-lign.com
Michael Snyder michael.snyder1701@gmail.com
Michael Turpin mike.turpin@ecfirst.com
Myriam Batista mbatista@reef-sys.com
Naseem Akbar naseem.akbar786@gmail.com
Nicholas Harrison nwharrison@yahoo.com
Nicole Brown nicole.brown@c-ents.com
Paul Netopski paul.netopski@criticalprismdefense.com
Peter Shoars petdash2@gmail.com
Philippe Rolland prolland@gmail.com
Rachel Leidy rachel.a.leidy@gmail.com
Rhia Dancel rdancel@nsf.org
Richard Durai nrdurai@gmail.com
Richard Hansen rick.hansen@apsgloballlc.com
Robert E Wandell bob@bobwandell.com
Robert Ems randbems@yahoo.com
Robert Teague Robert.teague@redspin.com
Ronald Hill Jr rhill@hill-tech-solutions.net
Ronnie Morris ronnie.morris@otbeinc.com
Rose Kingombo rose.kingombo@caskgov.com
Seniqua Berger sb913594@icloud.com
Sese Bennett sbennett@provincia.io
Stacy Brinkley stacybrinkley79@gmail.com
Stephen Korb s_korb@yahoo.com
Stephen Pratt smpratt@comcast.net
Tara Lemieux tara.lemieux@gmail.com
Thad Wellin twellin@trwsecuritysolutions.com
Thang Pham thang.pham@assurit.com
Thomas Graham thomas.graham@cynergistek.com
Thomas Nohs tnohs@datasoftnow.com
Thomas Sunderland tom.r.sunderland@gmail.com
Thomas Tollerton tom.tollerton@us.forvismazars.com
Timothy Walsh timothy.walsh@schellman.com
Timothy Williams twilliams@referentia.com
Todd Connor todd.connor@gmail.com
Todd Heflin thef284@gmail.com
Van Hatfield van.hatfield@schellman.com
Van Tatum van.t.tatum.civ@army.mil
Vicki Huchette huchette_vicki@bah.com
Vincent Scott vincent.scott@cybersecgru.com
Wendy Hayes wendy.hayes@digiflight.com
Will Clary wclary09@gmail.com
William Ceglar william.ceglar@nextechsol.com
Yonatan Asher yoniasher0508@gmail.com
Zach Walker zach@atxdefense.com